SBEM – Simplified Building Energy Model

The SBEM (Simplified Building Energy Model) is a method and calculation used to demonstrate and prove the energy performance of both new and existing non-domestic and commercial buildings.
The Simplified Building Energy Model is government approved and is used to calculate the energy required to heat, cool, ventilate and light a non-residential or commercial building over the course of year, and is measured assuming the building is being used under the usual or normal circumstances.
Whereas a SAP is mostly used for homes and properties we live in (residential), the SBEM is used for commercial buildings, and is basically used to monitor and calculate the CO2 emissions that are coming from these properties, which can range from hotels through to factories or warehouses, as it is important to not only know the CO2 emissions coming from a building, but also to know how to cut them down as well.
The report we carry out and provide to the building owner is used to prove that the building will be able to meet its obligations in terms of carbon targets, fabric benchmarks (minimum) and the standards for the building’s services, classified under Part L2A for any new build properties or L2B for work to existing buildings.
Our family run and independent team of assessors are accredited to produce SBEM reports for non-residential buildings nationwide, so if this is a service you require, contact us today.